Candy Crush Level 3111 Audio Talkthrough, 17 Moves 0 ...

Level3111isthefirstlevelinToastyTerrainandthe466thmixedmodelevel(324thjelly-ingredients).Topassthislevel,youmustclear24single, ...,Youhavetodestroythespawnersassoonaspossible,ifyoudon'ttheywillfilltheboardupwithlicoriceandthereisjellyunderthemtoo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Level 3111 - Candy Crush Saga Wiki

Level 3111 is the first level in Toasty Terrain and the 466th mixed mode level (324th jelly-ingredients). To pass this level, you must clear 24 single, ...

Candy Crush Saga Level 3111 Tips and video

You have to destroy the spawners as soon as possible, if you don't they will fill the board up with licorice and there is jelly under them too.

Level 3111 - Candy Crush Soda Wiki

When there's no swirl on the screen, spawn 7 swirls immediately. When there are more than 7 swirls, swirls spawn every 2 move(s). If there are fewer than 15 ...

《Candy Crush Saga 糖果傳奇》3111

2018年2月23日 — 以下是個人通過初回版3111-3125[Toasty Terrain]關的一些簡單心得(並非攻略)【註:官方會不時進行改版,通關條件與玩法亦會因此而變得不同】。


Level3111isthefirstlevelinToastyTerrainandthe466thmixedmodelevel(324thjelly-ingredients).Topassthislevel,youmustclear24single, ...,Youhavetodestroythespawnersassoonaspossible,ifyoudon'ttheywillfilltheboardupwithlicoriceandthereisjellyunderthemtoo.,Whenthere'snoswirlonthescreen,spawn7swirlsimmediately.Whentherearemorethan7swirls,swirlsspawnevery2move(s).Iftherearefewerthan15 ...,2018年2月23日—...